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Situaciones Extrañas APK

Versión: 23.0

¡Situaciones extrañas es uno de los juegos basados ​​en la física más entretenidos jamás hechos!

4.1 39.44 MB 1,000,000

Virus free

  • Situaciones Extrañas APK
  • Situaciones Extrañas APK
  • Situaciones Extrañas APK
  • Situaciones Extrañas APK
  • Situaciones Extrañas APK
Revisión del Editor

Be creative in the free world, or skilled in minigames!
A game that you are free to do what you want, you can exploding, cutting, throwing objects. Driving the vehicles, control a drone and even alien spacecraft.
There are a lot minigames where you can play basketball, throw dogs , bowling , climbing hills , carry goods in the truck, dodge meteors and more!
Get ready for an epic experience in a game that has a hint of racing, contraption, sandbox and ragdoll games. Strange Situations is a super fun game that you've never seen before!

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