HappyMod / Strategy / Survival Challenge 456 Mod
Survival Challenge 456 Mod Apk 15.83.20

Survival Challenge 456 Mod Apk 15.83.20



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Mod Info:

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100 % que trabaja en el ayuntamiento 15 Último servidor NULLS no solicita actualización

Survival Challenge 456 registro de pantalla. Esta es la revisión de video de la que proviene Bob-gaming:"Clash of Clans is a really good strategy game. I can get unlimited money from this mod. This game is so intersrting. The most interesting part of playing Clash of Clans is when it comes to attacking other players. You will have to build a certain tactic, need to calculate carefully to be able to win. In other words, Clash of Clans is not a game that the rich will win."
Sube tu reseña de video aquí:Subir

Survival Challenge 456 Mod APK:

  • - Versión: 15.83.20
  • - tamaño: 263.22 MB
  • - Precio: Gratis
  • - Raíz necesaria: No hay necesidad
  • - Ofertas en la compra de la aplicación: No
  • - Precio: Gratis

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Survival Challenge 456 Mod Apk 15.83.20
Survival Challenge 456 Mod Apk 15.83.20
Survival Challenge 456 Mod Apk 15.83.20
Survival Challenge 456 Mod Apk 15.83.20
Survival Challenge 456 Mod Apk 15.83.20

Commands in COC Mod

You can use commands in global and clan chat. List of all commands:

/clean - reset your account (will keep score and clan)
/full - upgrade all buildings to max level for your town hall
/th (level) - upgrade town hall to specified level (example: /th 12)
/asp - attack your village
/cct - remove all spells and troops
/sethero (name) (level) - upgrade specified hero (king, queen, warden or builder) to specified level (example: /sethero king 40)
/status - show server status (online, used RAM and other)

March 13, 2019.Latest News on COC MOD:ESL Clash of Clans World Championship is coming
Clash of Clans World Championship is scheduled to start this month. The action will reportedly continue for up to six months. It’s been reported that starting off with qualifiers for this month, The ESL Clash of Clans World Championship will be offering a mind-blowing prize of $1 million. This obviously means that the game’s fans should not miss out on such a highly exciting opportunity. The first season of the ESL starts March 18th, and it will feature three phases with open qualifier play. It’s also important to note that the final round will supposedly be broadcasted by ESL as well.

Clash of Clans’ next big update is just a few days away, so Supercell has detailed all the major balance changes players can expect. Goblins, Cannons and Archer Towers get some attention this time around. Clash of Clans Balance Changes Due in the Next Update. Clash of Clans is available now on Android and iOS. No matter how big the changes it is, Get the COC mod with unlimited coins is your best choice, Come on!

Feb 21, 2019. Latest NEWS: COC mod latest version is published:
Unlimited Troops;
Unlimited Coins;
Unlimited Money;
The only worked COC mod in the world. Try it for free! If you want to have a fast download speed, try HappyMod app is a great choice.

Coc Mod Apk 2019 (Features)
Attack with all new units such as Super Pekka, Electro Dragon, Workshop, Battle Blimp, Wall Wrecker (S3) (S4) at the main base also at BH's night base
Instantly build your own village with unlimited resources
Cultivate unique units with multiple levels of improvement.
Maximize your heroes, defenses, buildings with infinite gems
Plan unique attack and attack strategies in multiplayer mode.
Attack the player's mod
Build and maximize the constructor library
City Hall Level 16 (TH 12) includes command chat
Attack the players at the BH base.
Builders' Hall 8 and City Hall 12 are available
Unlimited gems, gold, tinctures and black elixir.
Unlimited army and buildings

Feb 1, 2019. Please note: This is Private server only. If you cannot log in, try more several times

Clash of Clans with unlimited gems, golds, elixirs, dark elixirs on your Android phone is a great thing for coc player. But it is impossible to play unlimited coins with the original Clash of Clans apk, then Clash of Clans mod is coming.

Clash of Clans mod is private server mod. It can be installed without uninstall your original Clash of Clans game. At first time you loading the game, it will take a little longer. When you successfully open the game, you will find a lot of coins, gems and elixirs for free. Then you can use these free resources to buy anything you need in the game.

Also read: Clash Royale Mod

Clash of Clans mod mod info:
2000000000 coins
2000000000 gems
2000000000 elixir

Clash of Clans mod features:
Build your own village into an unbeatable fortress using unlimited resources;
Raise your own army of Barbarians, Archers, Hog Riders, Wizards, Dragons and other mighty fighters with multiple levels of upgrade;
Join a Clan of related players or Battle with players worldwide and take their Trophies;
Defend your village with a multitude of Cannons, Towers, Mortars, Bombs, Traps and Walls;
Discover your favorite attacking army from countless combinations of troops, spells, Heroes and Clan reinforcements.

Installation Guide
To play Clash of Clans Mod Apk without any problem you need to follow the installation guide.
At first, Download Clash of Clans Mod apk from the list.
For first time installation on a new Android phone, you may turn on unknown sources. for this, go to phone settings >> Security >> Privacy >> Unknown Source, tick it and turn it on.
Find and locate the Coc mod apk file on your mobile storage. Tap the file and tap to install button to install the apk on your Android phone.
Make sure your phone is connected to an internet connection. Open the app and enjoy!

Fast Installation Guide
1. Download HappyMod App;
2. Search Coc for Clash of Clans mod apk;
3. Download and install it with one click.

Clash of Clans is one of the most popular games on mobile devices. It has over 100 million of download on Google Play Store. This Coc mod version is Clash of Clans private server. HappyMod's apk are verified by millions of users, they pick out the 100% working mod, so this Clash of Clans mod apk is the latest version that can 100% working on most Android devices. Please keep visiting HappyMod or download HappyMod app for more Mod mod latest Apks.

Survival Challenge 456 Mod Apk 15.83.20 Caracteristicas:

Survival Challenge 456 Mod Clash of Clans Mod APK v V15.83.20 Caracteristicas:

100 % que trabaja en el ayuntamiento 15 Último servidor NULLS no solicita actualización

¡Desde bárbaros llenos de ira con gloriosos bigotes hasta magos piromaníacos, cría tu propio ejército y lleva tu clan a la victoria! Construye tu pueblo para defenderse de los Raiders, luchar contra millones de jugadores en todo el mundo y forjar un poderoso clan con otros para destruir clanes enemigos. ¡Tenga en cuenta! Clash of Clans es gratuito para descargar y jugar, sin embargo, algunos artículos del juego también se pueden comprar por dinero real. Si no desea usar esta función, configure la protección de contraseña para las compras en la configuración de su aplicación Google Play Store. Además, bajo nuestros Términos de servicio y Política de privacidad, debe tener al menos 13 años de edad para jugar o descargar Clash of Clan. Una fortaleza inmejorable ● Levante su propio ejército de bárbaros, arqueros, jinetes de cerdo, magos, dragones y otros combatientes poderosos ● lucha contra los jugadores de todo el mundo y tome sus trofeos ● Unirse con otros jugadores para formar el Ultimate Clan ● Lucha contra los clanes rivales en las guerras épicas de clanes ● Construya 20 unidades únicas con múltiples niveles de actualizaciones ● Descubra su ejército de ataque favorito de innumerables combinaciones de tropas, hechizos, héroes y refuerzos de clanes < > ● Defiende a su pueblo con una multitud de cañones, torres, morteros, bombas, trampas y paredes ● Lucha contra el duende en una campaña a través del reino Revisiones de jugadores Clasificación de clanes con orgullo anuncia más de cinco millones de críticas de cinco estrellas en Google Play. Soporte Jefe, ¿está teniendo ¿problemas? Visite http://superercell.helpshift.com/a/clash-of-clans/ o http://supr.cl/clashforum o contáctenos en el juego yendo a configuraciones> ayuda y soporte. Política de privacidad: < br> http://www.superercell.net/privacy-policy/ Términos de servicio: http://www.superercell.net/terms-of-service/ guía parente: http://www.superercell.net/parents

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Especificaciones completas

Descargar información

tamaño 263.2MB
Versión 15.83.20
Versión Code 1529
idioma af am ar as az be bg bn bs ca cs da de el en-AU en-CA en-GB en-IN en-XC es es-US et eu fa fi fr fr-CA gl gu hi hr hu hy in is it iw ja ka kk km kn ko ky lo lt lv mk ml mn mr ms my nb ne nl or pa pl pt pt-BR pt-PT ro ru si sk sl sq sr sr-Latn sv sw ta te th tl tr uk ur uz vi zh-CN zh-HK zh-TW zu
Texto de permiso Otro:
permite que las aplicaciones abran sockets de red. Permite a las aplicaciones acceder a información sobre las redes
permite el acceso al vibrador. Permite el uso de PowerManager Wakelocks para evitar que el procesador duerme o la pantalla se atenúe. Permite que las aplicaciones cambien el estado de conectividad Wi-Fi
.; Permite que las aplicaciones accedan a la información sobre las redes Wi-Fi.:

permite que una aplicación escriba en almacenamiento externo. Permite que una aplicación lea desde el almacenamiento externo.

Operation Systems

Min Sdk 18
Min Sdk Txt Android 4.3 (JELLY_BEAN_MR2)
Objetivo sdk 28
Objetivo Sdk Txt Android 9.0
Multi-ventana No
Pantallas de apoyo normal, grande, xlarge
Cpu armeabi-v7a
Open Gl Int 0
Soporta cualquier densidad Yes
Densidades 160, 240, 320, 480, 640, 65534

User Caracteristicas

Uses Caracteristicas Características del hardware Wi-Fi:
la aplicación utiliza funciones de redes 802.11 (Wi-Fi) en el dispositivo.
Uses implied Caracteristicas La aplicación utiliza funciones de redes 802.11 (Wi-Fi) en el dispositivo.#:


Firma 99092B92B774577049A57BEB85C4420023E6D305
Sha256 7107A093895781D774710E621650D78312C0C58EA3097526F6A5C7130FC5C78F
Válida desde Mon Dec 25 16:38:27 CET 2017 until: Mon Apr 24 17:38:27 CEST 2056
Número de serie 752abf7e


desarrollador daniillnull
Ou Unknown
Organización Null's
Lugar Desconocido
País FI
Ciudad Desconocido
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